The upload section is currently under construction. Our aim is to integrate this website with the FFPx software we use for our digital competitions.
As the 2019-20 season competitions are now over you will not need to use this section until season 2020-2021.
The software service we are going to use is called PhotoEntry
PhotoEntry is a subscription based web application for managing photography competitions.
Most photographic clubs and societies run competitions, and the problems trying to collect entries from members are legendary. Things such as:
- Wrong number of entries submitted
- Incorrect image sizing or colour space
- Incorrect image naming
- Confirming that entries have been received
- Missing emails
Even when those are all sorted out, there can still be a lot of work to be done:
- Loading the entries into projection software
- Recording of scores
- Publishing results to members
- Publishing high-scoring images on your website
- Calculating series results
- etc…
PhotoEntry solves all of these problems and more, making life far easier for both members and competition secretaries.
When this function is live members will be provided with a password by Email to log you into the PhotoEntry website.
How to resize your images for DPI competition. This PDF file is from 2014 so some minor information is outdated but still applies. It will be updated ASAP.